
Why not give your ship a second chance and save costs? A conversion might be the solution you need. Our specialists will work with you to investigate the options and prepare a suitable quote.

Sail your trusted ship for many more years to come!

Our skilled, enthusiastic people have a passion for shipbuilding – they know exactly what it takes to give a ship a second life. They can convert your ship from a single-hull tanker into a double-hull tanker, or turn a single-hull tanker into a dry cargo ship. With a conversion, you need only a low investment to create a ship that meets all of your requirements.

Sustainable, future-proof solutions

Shipping needs to become more sustainable, and legislation offers space for conversion – the subsidy scheme for increasing the sustainability of inland navigation vessels is one such example.

Perhaps converting your tanker into a ship that can carry hydrogen is a good idea? Or maybe you should consider turning your old cargo ship into a houseboat? We would be happy to work with you to identify modifications that can make your ship easier to work with and more sustainable into the future.

Steel structures

In addition to ship-related activities, BREKO can also undertake large and small-scale specialized steel work. Placing, forming, and fastening materials are part of our everyday work on both newly constructed ships and existing ships. Welding is always undertaken by certified welding specialists to ensure quality.